tells the story of an elementary school math teacher who is challenged by parents, the principal, and even the mayor, when she tells a student that “2+2=4”

ALTERNATIVE MATH, a short film from the minds of David Maddox and Malcolm Morrison

This is a hilarious film with a fantastic message and a reminder that we sometimes put immense (and often unjustified) pressure on our teachers.

With a cast headed by the massively talented Allyn CarrellAlternative Math is extremely well cast.  Nobody, of course, can exceed the performance given by Carrell, who portrays her role with Oscar-worthy perfection as the teacher.
Alternative Math is directed by David Maddox. He coordinates beautiful (yet understated) cinematography and features a catchy score and an easy-to-follow timeline.  The short has been featured at dozens of film festivals from Sydney to Miami and everywhere in between, and I for one, am not surprised, as the film delivers on multiple levels.