
World of fashion and all of its glory, presented in short fashion films. All the films in this collection are selected for their creative views and the way they signal a message. As always, Independent fashion films are a big star in this list mostly because of thinking outside the box.

Cinemapace is where we take a look at unique and creative independent movies and short films in order to celebrate the art of filmmaking and content creation. Cinemapace is the source of inspiration and influence for many creators out there either looking for new inspiring ideas or trying to keep up with the ever-growing landscape of indie or corporate video creation. The video span over the categories like art, design, fashion, beauty, music, animation, documentary, and even creative commercials. 

Cinemapace constantly scouts the internet for high-quality content to put under the spotlight. Any creative and artistic aspect of a video like storytelling, directing, cinematography, light, color, camera angles, and framing, acting and presentation, etc. can become the focus of our attention. Narrative structure and storytelling are a big part of a video which is handled by screenwriters and cinematographers and then delivered through the mind filter of the director. We like to talk about how the narrative structure of video works and helps it tell the story based on the atmosphere and subject matter. Everything from pre-production to post-production and distribution is the subject of our talks.

All the videos that are gathered on Cinemapace are tagged and categorized based on the credits regarding the content. Cinemapace can work as a database of creative individuals where you can search and find tons of high-quality video works of talented directors, cinematographers, editors, colorists, sound designers, camera operators, etc. and follow up on their endeavors in the field of filmmaking and content production toward making artistic videos.