Online Collaboration In The Cloud For Post Production Teams

18 Nov 2021

4 Min Read

Filmmaking and film production is a 125-year-old art and industry. So it is fair to assume that during this time many different technics and methodologies have come and gone based on the needs and technological capabilities of the time. The Jazz Singer was the first-ever film to have a voice, hence the name Talkie, or The Gulf Between which was the first colored movie shot in Technicolor. But innovations are not always noticeable by the normal everyday audiences and generally happen behind the scenes. One of the more recent innovations in the film industry that has the potential to start a big wave of changes through the workflow of film production and post-production is the introduction of online video review and collaboration platforms that are used in production and post-production. The traditional way of managing a film project has been around and almost unchanged for ages but in recent years new products and services have emerged which are trying to bring film production into the 21st century. So let’s take a look at some of them and see how they are trying to redefine production and post-production. Of course, this list will continue to be updated with other competent platforms in the same area. is an online video review and collaboration platform that is designed not only to be the bridge between production and post-production for all the file transfers, but also a collaboration platform for the post-production team to work together, brainstorm, and give feedback on the video project in hand. High-speed file sharing for all your files like the recorded footage, audio files, video templates, and assets is what Postpace provides for you. The benefit of doing file sharing and data transfer through Postpace, besides being an easy-to-use integrated workflow, is the blisteringly fast speed of the transfers. Compared to other storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox, Postpace is up to 4 times faster, thanks to using high bandwidth servers from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Limitless file size, expandable storage, and support for any file type under the sky are also what you get by using Your video projects on can be organized based on brand, network, client, team members, or any other working system that suits your video production workflow. There is a robust file explore on this platform that when merged with the file identification features, gives you a fast and easy-to-use searching system giving you complete control over your file management and asset organization. 

Frame-accurate commenting and on-screen drawing tools are also features that help you communicate an idea or feedback with your team. And with every change, you can create a new version to separate it from the previous ones. this alone can eliminate a lot of confusion during the post-production phase and make your video workflow much more efficient, saving you and your team precious time. Also, by using share and publish features, you can present your project to clients or directors, safe and fast. Features like watermarking and time-limited share links will make the process of presenting a project a lot safer. went live in 2015 with the goal of making the review process that is present during film production easy and fast! With, the production team can upload the recorded footage onto the service immediately after they are shot. Now, based on the access level that is set by the admin, all team members like video editors, colorist, production manager, director, etc. can watch, download, and comment on the footage live. Reviewing and commenting is one of the biggest selling points of and they have provided different useful tools that not only can make the review process easier but more precise. Team members can follow up on every stage of video production and give their opinions on any part of any frame of the video!

File storage and management is the other segment that excels at. They claim to have the fastest upload rates out there, around 5GB in 3 minutes! You can manage your uploads and downloads either through the web interface or use their top-notch “ Transfer” software that makes file transfer a lot easier. Of course, the storage comes with top-notch security. claims that it is the only video collaboration platform out there that complies with both TPN and SOC 2 Type 2.

Finally, plugins and integrations are like the cherry on top of all the other features. Not only has plugins that work inside Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, and Avid Media Composer, but also is compatible with many other products and services like LumaFusion, Gnarbox, Kyno, Slack, Trello, Discord, … the list goes on! You can check the list of all the compatible services Here.


Shift is another big name in the list of online collaboration services for video creators and filmmakers. Like and Wipster, Shift focuses on making the review and approval of video content easy and hassle-free. Shift provides tools for frame by frame commenting and reviewing so that all team members know how they should proceed with the project they are working on and always be on the same page.

File management is also one of the strong suits of Shift where you can easily upload and organize your content based on tags and metadata so later on, searching for them would be as easy as it can be.

When it comes to security, Shift has tried to differentiate itself from the others with some cool innovative work. For example, they provide the SafeStream service which will protect your streaming video from theft by using personalized visible and forensic watermarks. “SafeStream burns a unique visual watermark with visible and invisible user data into each video that can be traced” shift claims. Shift is also using the Amazon Web Services framework for its cloud platform so you know that the service is backed by strong security protocols.

The other differentiating factor that I believe can make Shift a good competitor is the service they call Spotlight. Spotlight is the service that will let you “Create and share branded reels, sites, presentations, or individual portfolios”. The service can make the process of presenting your work much easier since it doesn’t need you to have any coding skills.



Wipster is one of the closest competitors to that is trying to solve the same problems content creators face when they are setting their production workflow. Wipster helps video production teams work together, faster and more precisely. With the review tools provided by Wipster, team members are always in the loop regarding the stages of the production and can give their opinions precisely on the exact point of the exact frame of the footage.

Regarding the storage solutions, Wipster may not boast the same claims as but is not a slouch either. Based on the plan you choose for your team, Wipster will store all your needed file types on its servers safe and secure. Wipster has a 256-bit HTTPS security layer and is compliant with SOC 2 Type 2. So if security is a concern of yours, Wipster has got you covered.

When it comes to integration and compatibility with different platforms, Wipster has its own solutions. They are do have plugins to integrate their service with Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects to work seamlessly during the editing process. Also Wipster hast integrations with other big-name services like Dropbox, Slack, Wistia, Vimeo, and Brightcove.

All in all, Wipster is doing a great job remaining relevant in this new and emerging market of cloud collaboration services and is bringing compelling offerings to the table.


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Postpace Video Collaboration