Collaborate closely, from
a far distance

The video collaboration solution that works

Go cloud
Instantly start the post-production phase by transferring your media files to our cloud-based platform.

Speed up the production of your video projects by taking advantage of our readily available professional assets.

Team members and collaborators work even closer by collaborating right on the video timeline.

Give time-coded comments on the exact frame of the video, regardless of the camera format. Other team members and collaborators then reply and give feedback to move the project forward.
drawing tools
Accurately point out which part of the footage needs a change with the set of drawing tools made for annotation

Managing and tracking updates & versioning

Play your whole video content for reviewing or jump to a specific comment by clicking the time-stamped annotation.
Comments and approvals are kept in every version of the project till the end for easier backtracking if needed.
Team members and clients can compare project versions for better progress tracking and decision-making.
Engage clients
and producers
Present your projects professionally using end-to-end encrypted share links.The client will view and review the project simply by clicking on the link.